Saturday, September 15, 2012

Ladder sculpture

This was a very successful project undertaken by my grade 10 Sculpture class. This class was smaller than usual, which allowed scope for a slightly bolder project. The task involved looking at the element of ‘balance’ in sculpture and the way in which some works emphasize this through dynamic composition. We set about the task by thinking about the process of a person climbing a ladder and the balance required for this simple action. We though about of all the things that could happen on the way up and unusual circumstances that might occur. Consideration to human proportion and body movement in the planning, but essentially the aim was for the sculpture to provide a narrative. The students began by creating a ladder with heavy gauge wire, which they soldered together. The figure was then created using thin wire then covered with plaster bandage leaving contact points of metal that could be soldered to the wire. When the structure was holding firm they then painted the whole piece black before burnishing it with bronze paint to provide the metallic finish. The final challenge was to drill holes at the desired angle into a wooden base to allow the sculpture to stand on an angle. The finished pieces caused quite a reaction when they were displayed around the school.

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